Artemyn at Japan TAPPI 2024: Participation Focused on Pulp & Paper Innovation

Artemyn at Japan TAPPI 2024: Participation Focused on Pulp & Paper Innovation

In October 2024, Artemyn reached a significant milestone by participating in the Japan TAPPI Annual Meeting, held in Takasaki from October 9 to October 10.This prestigious event brings together leaders and innovators from the pulp and paper industries, providing an ideal platform for Artemyn to showcase our innovative solutions, spanning Pulp & Paper applications. Although […]

Opportunities in the Communities

Artemyn - Horta Comunitária

English Version Portugese Version Artemyn in the Community The new global company Artemyn, a leading minerals transformation company for industry solutions, has made efforts to understand and meet the needs of communities surrounding its operations in Ipixuna do Pará, State of Pará, Brazil. Seven communities in Ipixuna do Pará are benefiting from support for the […]